In the event of an emergency in your home, unit, or building: do you know who to contact and when? Below are several emergency and non-emergency scenarios that explain who to contact based on the level of urgency and issue type.

The Purpose of This Guide
The goal of this guide is to prepare and inform homeowners, shareholders, and residents on who to contact in the event of a building, unit, or home emergency. It provides some examples of emergency situations that may occur. However, it does not include every possible emergency scenario. Always use safety best practices when action is needed, and call 911 in a life-threatening emergency. For safety tips, please visit our blog on how to prepare and prevent safety hazards in your home and community association.
Please note that the “first responder(s)” will vary based on the type of emergency or local agencies affiliated with your co-op, condo, or HOA. Take a moment to review the information below and keep it on hand in case you should ever need it. For your safety, always follow any instructions provided by management and/or local officials, if applicable.
Emergency Scenario Examples
➔ Life-Threatening Emergencies
****In the event of a life-threatening emergency, Always dial 911 immediately.****
All building, home, or unit-related emergencies should be reported to management and/or your superintendent so that we can help to facilitate repairs, inspections, communications, etc. See below for additional scenarios.
➔ Report Fire, Flooding, Lack of Heating, Major Damage from a Natural Disaster, Etc.
Current residents of condos, co-ops, and HOAs managed by Einsidler Management, Inc. should call our emergency line: 1-800-684-4055.
Additionally, please notify your property manager and/or superintendent of the emergency.
➔ Report a Gas Leak
Call National Grid at 1-800-490-0045 or dial 911.
➔ Report a Power Outage
Call PSEG LI at 1-800-490-0075 or text “OUT” to PSEGLI
Freeport, New York Residents:
➔ Additional Local Emergency Services & Resources
For additional New York-specific contact information please visit our page: “Emergency Phone Numbers and Resources for New York Residents”
Non-Emergency Scenario Examples
➔ All Non-Emergency Inquiries (Billing, Sales, Work Orders, etc.)
Please call our main office number 631.293.2997 or contact us online.
➔ General Questions (Billing, Sales Application Questions, Tax Information, etc.)
See our Frequently Asked Questions page for general support and information from Einsidler Management, Inc..
➔ Sales Department
You can find information regarding closings, documents, etc. on our Sales Department page.
➔ New, Current, and Past Residents
Visit our Resident Resource page for important links and information from management.
Homeowner and Shareholder Tips and Guides
Stay prepared and prevent hazards in your home and community! Visit our Blog which contains local guides, seasonal home tips, safety information, and more.

For Your Fridge:
In Case of Emergencies: Important Phone Numbers