Are you looking for a reasonable New Year’s Resolution? Why not make the new year all about your home and community? Here are a few goal ideas for homeowners and shareholders.

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Improve Your Home This Year
Make Your Home a Little Wiser.
There are so many ways to use smart gadgets for improving your home. Just be sure to do your research and be sure you understand the privacy settings and risks that come with some smart home products. If an appliance requires any kind of major home alteration, consult your property manager beforehand.
Commit to Getting Rid of Clutter This Year.
This is a hard one to stick to, but it feels good once it’s done, right? Even if you just aim to improve one room this year it would still count as an accomplished goal.
One way you can reduce the clutter at home: Sign up for E-billing! Homeowners and shareholders in communities managed by Einsidler Management, Inc. can go paperless with emailed statements regardless of their chosen payment method (including ClickPay). Signing up for E-bills helps to get rid of monthly paper statements via mail.
Simplify Your Maintenance Payments.
Save money on postage, and take the stress out of remembering to make manual monthly maintenance payments by registering for ClickPay* (or any other online payment system utilized by your management company). For more information on our payment options visit our Payment FAQs page.
*Current residents using the ACH payment method must switch from ACH to ClickPay: first you must put a request in writing to Management stating that you no longer wish to make ACH payments, then you can register for ClickPay.
Start Recycling.
Or, if you already recycle, brush up on your town’s recycling policies and pick-up schedule if appropriate. Inquire with your property manager, superintendent, or neighbors about ways you can recycle in the building. Or, maybe even start a committee if your building doesn’t currently have a recycling plan. Read more for New York City recycling tips.
Use Less Energy.
Even small changes can result in energy savings. For example, you can make an effort to turn off lights once you leave an area of your home, or take shorter showers. Additionally, you can switch to energy-efficient light bulbs. On cooler days, bundle up instead of cranking up the heat.
Become Less Wasteful With Food.
Plan your meals with the intention of having (and actually eating) leftovers. Freeze food and ingredients that can be saved for later use and label them with the date so that you know how long they have been in the freezer the next time you look to defrost something.
Get More Involved in Your Community Association
Become a Board Member or Join a Committee.
All Co-ops, Condos, and H.O.As have Board members who are instrumental in making key decisions on behalf of the community. Additionally, some communities also have ad hoc committees for planning various types of activities or events. Both roles are volunteer-based.
To become part of the Board, you must run for a position and get elected by your community. Voting and elections of board members take place during the annual meeting. This year, get more involved by being an active resident in your community.
Weigh-In at Annual Meetings.
Another way to become more involved in your community is by showing up to your annual meeting with positive contributions. Your property manager can tell you when the meeting will be held (they should know the month of the meeting at the minimum. Sometimes the exact date may be “to be determined”).
Be an Informed Resident.
Familiarize yourself with your communities’ Bylaws, House Rules, and Proprietary Lease so that you better understand your rights and responsibilities as a homeowner in your Co-operative, Condominium, or Homeowner’s Association. Additionally, make sure that you are enrolled in any communications that management sends via email, call, or text.
How to Be a Better Neighbor
Be a More Mindful Neighbor.
Community living is so much better for all when everyone is respectful to other residents. This includes things like being mindful of your noise levels, picking up after pets in outdoor common areas, using trash bins and trash compactors correctly, or even just being friendly towards neighbors.
Vow to Be a More Vigilant Neighbor This Year.
Don’t turn a blind eye or deaf ear to suspicious activities in your neighborhood. If you see or hear any suspicious activity alert the local authorities and even your property manager. When it comes to alarming or concerning noise coming from a neighbor’s unit, always err on the side of caution and report it. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.
Resolve an Issue with a Neighbor.
Are you in a fight with another resident in your community? It’s never too late to extend an olive branch. If no legal action has been taken, try talking to a neighbor or in person (baked goods don’t hurt either).