Following yesterday afternoon’s severe thunderstorm, lightning struck a PSEG transformer at 21 Chapel Place in Great Neck Plaza, therefore causing a fire and loss of power to the entire building. Residents were evacuated, and the next steps to address repairs and habitability were swiftly made. Nobody was injured, thankfully. Management was on site to address concerns, answer questions, work with vendors, and first responders, and collect resident contact information as needed.
Today, Einsidler Management, Inc. was able to procure and install a generator suitable for the power to be restored to the entire building until repairs to the power are completely restored by PSEG and electricians. We are happy to say that all residents are able to return to the building within just one day of the incident.
A Note on Communication
It is critical that residents complete a census form. When we receive this information, it allows management to enroll all residents in relevant building communications. Therefore, we can swiftly communicate with shareholders, homeowners, and residents in the event of an emergency. Having the majority of residents’ contact information already enabled us to send updates regularly and as needed.
How to Contact Einsidler Management, Inc.
Emergencies: 1800.684.4055
Office: 631.293.2997 / 718.233.1390
Online Contact Form
*Always call 911 first in the event of a life-threatening emergency*